Wednesday, November 15, 2006

As of 9 p.m. (click on images to enlarge) Today was a good painting day.... some days, Kevin comes home and asks how the painting went, and I say "I worked all day, but there's not much to show for it... it didn't feel very good, it's not like painting clouds..." "You didn't cover a lot of real estate...", he'll say. "Yes, that's it." Today I covered lots of real estate... plus, it is satisfying to get some of the main characters resolved.

Tonight, I am thinking of my friend Nora. She just curated an exhibition on Joan of Arc at the Corcoran, opening tonight, and we were invited. It is a really big deal, and I wanted to be there to remind her of what a really big deal it is. I had to call her on Monday and tell her that I was not coming after all, and that felt shitty. I know she anticipated it, because she knew what the deal was with this painting, and I told her it was contingent upon where I was in the process. This is my last full week of painting... from now 'till end of December, it will be stops and starts, and I could not take 2-3 days off right now. I sent flowers, I will call tomorrow to see how it went, and I am thinking of her now.


Blogger Jennifer said...

Would love to see flames in the Walmart hell ;)

11:48 AM  

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