Blogging from the road..... our guests left on Monday, we had a great visit, went to see the Monet show at the NCMA, had too much to eat and drink (I made my first Tarte Tatin, and I am very proud of the results, thanks, I am sure, to the fabulous RED tarte tatin pan we received as a wedding gift). The Monet show was educational, in that the progression/development of his work was clear and accessible, but it was missing some of the showstopping water lily paintings that I expected to see as cornerstones of the exhibition. Now I am in West Palm Beach, at the home of some very dear friends. They have a fantastic collection, a great blend of beauty and kitsch, and it is always very nourishing to spend time in their space (and visit MY old paintings, as they have been great supporters of my work from way back). I will be baking today for Turkey day, and making my way to the Norton Museum, there is an extensive Wegman show there. It is most likely the same Wegman show that we saw in Washington a few months back, but I will enjoy it just the same. Back at the conception stage of the Assumption painting, I saw a very inspirational work at the Norton, and I want to go back and photograph it. I will return on Friday, get one day of painting in, then depart crack-of-dawn Sunday for upstate NY. Happy Turkey Day everyone!!!
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