Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Jerry Cullum, curator, critic & Senior Editor at ArtPapers, has posted about the reaction to Blessed Art Thou in his blog.....


Blogger Amanda and SuperAmanda™ said...

Interesting live journal essay but a bit staid and hohum-has Camille Paglia or Huffington weighed in yet ;)? Akhbar's nebulous indignation once again makes me wonder why affronted people don't take up a paint brush themselves instead of telling working artists what to do with there own.
And where is everyone getting this homewrecker bile? Consenting adults can choose to live their lives and guess what? It does not have to fit a perscribed order AND artists, actors and musicians rarely live the "suburban two car garage hide the truth from the neighbors life" Martin Duberman, who wrote an amazing biography on Paul Robeson, was taken to task by those who felt he showed too much of Robeson's robust sexual appetite and his response was that a monogamous, lifelong relationship between two people is NOT the only way to be happy.
More thoughts on the painting...the drink cases are scary, I see nothing but high fructose corn syrup in huge single serving sizes disguised as 'Green Tea.' I love pop art like Mel Ramos and George Petty so this is great fun to dissect. The McDonalds arches have to be there of course--more kids know who Ronald is then the president or perhaps even Jesus Christ.

12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Kate, thanks for the link to J. Cullums take on your work. Definitely interesting, as Amanda said, a bit dry.. but still worth reading for its thoughtful insights.

Regarding Allah's comments, I think the painting makes its point without further inclusions. Adding a half dozen other bits to broaden its scope or include other issues would only weaken the intended statement by making too many arguments at once. So while Allah "may" perhaps hold some valid concerns in a broader picture of the world, Are they needed in this work to make it complete? Nahh...

I enjoy alot of your work really, "choose" is so powerful in its simplicity and ominous feel. My take on it may be based on personal childhood experience but to me its a powerful image of domestic terror.

I could go on for hours about your other works as well but suffice it to say that in general I find them fulfilling. Crafted with thought and skill, they make their statements honestly. Harmony, light and an eye for our inner worlds, you reach well into our individual experiences. Making art that demands attention and introspection to be revealed.

Your process is inspiring and I learn about my own work by examining yours. Thanks for that :)

Ron Ackerley

2:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your floor boards are so beautuful in "Kim Hiding".

10:11 AM  
Blogger littlejoke said...

If you think that's dry, you should see the rest of the blog. In general, when there are bodily fluids all over the floor, I deem it my bloodless Protestant duty to come mop up the place before someone slips in a puddle and gets hurt.

I know it is politically correct to say so, but I think it would be inappropriate for Kate to pass judgment on people of ethnicities other than her own, and this is a very judgmental painting.

Paglia? Huffington? we wish. Somebody e-mail them right away. Hell, we are still lacking remarks from artworld regulars, much less from celebrity superstars.

10:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, it is interesting to have been here last week before it all blew up, and now see the change in type and quantity of comments.

I support you. I love your art. This painting is great, but it's not what you're all about. Your body of work speaks for itself. Your art critic was nicely refuted in that critique of his critique (http://dcartnews.blogspot.com/2007/01/gopnikosities-i-really-really-try-to.html). And I'm sure Angelina would say that celebrity is not what she's all about. I think you're getting a whiff of the double-edged sword that is fame.

Meanwhile, I think you need a good drink. You seem to like cooking and trying out new foods. I was enjoyed reading about your culinary experiments, like the lobster salad, and the fantastic-sounding ice cream flavors. So here's a great drink recipe:

1 oz vodka (plain or mandarin-flavored)
1/2 oz passionfruit liqueur
1/2 oz. Campari
1 oz O.J.

Shake with ice, strain into cocktail glass, decorate with orange slice. Tangy yet sweet!

Sip. Relax. Hang in there.

3:12 PM  
Blogger Amanda and SuperAmanda™ said...

The comments still have quality you lush!!
The whole debate of race and ethnicity is why people look down their noses at the states-even countries with apartheid and tribal wars have that figured out better. Jerry is right, stop looking at what you want from Kate's painting and look at what is there.

3:17 PM  
Blogger JeannieGrrl said...

Its not racist or sexist at all. From what I've seen its mostly the white lower to middle classes that become so darned obsessed with the celebrity subculture. Perhaps there are psychological reasons behind it such as a desire by those classes to have the glam and fortune or even just the attention. Any which way - it seems to be almost as though people will find anything they can to spout hate about these days.

Its like seeing the old photos of demonstrations in the '70s where some folks are beating each other with peace signs.

Incidentally Kate - some of the works on your home site brought tears to my eyes because I don't need a technical breakdown to feel and isn't that what art is supposed to be about?
To express and to feel?

If so - you're right on track lady. Keep it up.

7:29 PM  

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