Wednesday, May 02, 2007

"The Initiate", 2007, acrylic/oil on found rug, 60 x 24".

The two new pieces are difficult to photograph. In reality, the baby is darker than it appears here because I have to lighten the image to show the carpet. I will post again when the official photos are taken.

The show went up yesterday, though I will go back tomorrow to "polish" everything, after Sacred Ovaries arrives from Miami. I have decided that I need to put a stabilizer behind the carpet at the bottom to straighten it, so that it hangs neatly and the corners do not curl back.

Today, I am still exhausted, but I must get the studio back in shape, as it is time to shift gears and prepare for the Kansas City show which will be all the hair embroideries & select Psychological Clothing, with a new clothing piece. I was telling the gallery director as we were putting up the show yesterday that it had been a week of insomnia for me. She responded that, in the past, when they mounted shows a day before the opening, she has had artists almost sleep through their own receptions.

Radley sleeping in the sunny spot, oblivious to the cleaning going on around him:


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