Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Unable to leave well-enough alone.....

Instead of packing it in a box, shipping it off, crossing it off the to-do list and sitting back to savor the feeling of satisfaction, Kate stays up half the night and most of today creating grass on the "Gatekeeper Merkin" by sewing embroidery thread through the already applied felt.

(So it will be more "fiber-arty", because it is a fiber art show...)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh I love that! I would love to actually have something like that, how utterly cool!

3:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like the grass - it was well worth the time - it gives the merkin a nice and inviting fuzziness.

You know what I find offensive about this show? Having to think about the hygene of prostitutes in centuries past! aargh! :) Seriously, I would like to see some of the other merkins - I find the whole idea very amusing...

9:36 PM  
Blogger Kate said...

I know. We are having a great time with the show, when the truth is it came from a sad place.

I'll take some pictures at the show. I think they are going to be selling CDs at the gallery w/all the Merkins as well.

I let my concept take me away from the wig idea, but there are some good people in the show, I think the merkins will be great!

9:26 AM  

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