Friday, December 21, 2007

Best wishes for a warm and peaceful holiday.....
Blogging will be light for the next week.
May you get through the season without having to visit the icehole....
So many good things happened during the Miami Fairs*, (and I have neglected my homelife & xmas preparation for so long) that I have really not had a minute to post much about the Art Basel experience. I still have a list of artist's names that I hope to post with links before the new year. Bear with me, please. I did lie in bed at 3 a.m. last night waiting for my sleeping pill to kick in, looking at the amazingly comprehensive coverage that artist Joanne Mattera's blog provides... with lots of pics, worth a look. There is an emphasis on work that is like hers in the images (something we are all prone to do) , but I hope to balance that soon with quirky, sometimes dark, often figurative references that I noted during my Miami experience. Have a safe & happy holiday!

*(I have a gallery in Chicago that is going to put up some hair embroideries)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi Kate, just wanted to say that I stumbled onto your blog and am really glad that I found it... it's great to read about a fellow artist's experiences. I'm looking forward to reading your reports from Miami! I have a bunch of posts from Miami, starting here:

happy holidays!

8:36 PM  

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