Friday, February 15, 2008

Factory painting has been around for a long time. I am remembering a scene in a not-too-memorable movie called "Surrender": Sally Field played an artist who works in a painting mill, and, as it was her job to paint all the water portions of the landscapes, she would occasionally insert a depiction of herself drowning in said water. But no one has ever pretended that factory paintings were worthy of settings more glamorous than the hotel ballrooms and gas station corners that presently house them. The current post at Art World Salon, "Welcome to the Art Factory", suggests that these Chinese factories are aiming higher, looking for new clientele. When compared to a Chinese sweatshop, working in Jeff Koon's factory must be like working for Ben & Jerry's.


Blogger libby said...

i wonder if, for artists, factory art jobs are more satisfying than production design/ad jobs. they're eerily similar positions.

9:23 AM  
Blogger Kate said...

I did a stint at a place where I painted art reproductions on furniture. I would think that factory painting would be more monotonous and require less thought than production design (which I have also done), therefore it would be easier to think about your "real art" while you are making a buck.

12:10 PM  

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