Friday, March 18, 2011

"Tempest", 2011, tarnished silverpoint on found spoon, 1.5 x 5.5 x 1"

I was recently asked to be in a silverpoint show that will take place this summer. Most of my silverpoint works are older, so I decided to make a few new pieces. After an hour of working on a new traditional silverpoint on gessoed panel, I thought to myself, "there's got to be a more compelling, more interesting way to do silverpoint...", and headed off to the thrift store. There are more pieces to come, as well as a new embroidery composed of thousands of french knots.

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Anonymous adam said...

awesome! do more of these. how did you prepare the spoon? was the a regular fine point stylus? tarnish method? very intriguing.

1:23 PM  

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