Monday, February 06, 2012

"Decades of Dreaming of You...", 2012, hair embroidery on hair from mother's head during gestation period, threads from unraveled pillowcase, 3 x 5 x 5". Embroidered text reads, "decades of dreaming of you...". (working photos)

Many years ago, when I was very young, I terminated a pregnancy.
Decades later, at the last possible biological minute, I gave birth to my daughter. This piece was made to mark the completion of this cycle in my life.

"If you are an artist who happens to be a mother.... " someone once told me, "whatever you do, don't use nest imagery."


Blogger Judy Martin said...

I came to your blog after reading the call you have for artists who work with the theme of motherhood.

First, let me say, that this piece is really profound. I looked at it on your flickr site as well, and saw that you said you have been advised against nest imagery.
This piece must prove that wrong, it is wonderful.

My journey through motherhood has been the most important of all the influences I've had as an artist. My children are grown up now, but I still think that my relationship with them and with the world as a mother, have made me think about so many things that I might not have. I have the perspective of a mother.

Good luck with the paper you will be presenting. I may send you some images...shall have to think about this a bit.

All the best.

10:47 AM  

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