Wednesday, June 29, 2011

My two newest pieces will be included in the silverpoint show Silver: Points of Departure, curated by Carol Prusa, artist extraordinaire, at Tinney Contemporary Art in Nashville. Featuring the work of Joe Biel, Anne Connell, Lori Field, Marietta Hoferer, Michael Kukla, Kate Kretz, Carol Prusa, Susan Schwalb and Fran Siegel.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

New piece: "Memento Innocenti", 2011, tarnished silverpoint on found cup, 2.25 x 5 x 2.75". Have several more silver pieces in progress, and working with models for the first time in a while, building up to a big, scary exciting painting project. It is hard to believe that it has been almost three years since I worked in oils (mural for my daughter's room does not count).

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Sunday, June 05, 2011

Works in Progress.

Lamb composed of thousands of French Knots on black velvet, and silverpoint on found baby cup.