Isn't it amazing when you pick up exactly the right book at exactly the right time in your life? Sweet Dreams: Contemporary Art and Complicity, by Johanna Drucker, has proved to be a perfect fit for me these days. (Look, I found an excerpt for you) I am also reading Collecting Contemporary, which pissed me off in the first few pages. The author interviews an extensive collection of dealers, curators and collectors, and explains in a few paragraphs why he did not deem it neccessary to interview any artists. (Artists only PRODUCE the luxury product)
I am working on some small things, and gearing up for two big paintings. The past week, I have been gathering references and doing research for the next couple of works. I am a great believer in serendipity, so the process is like following bread crumbs: this book leads me to that film, which leads me to this song lyric, which makes me think of that movie (have to watch that again). Following breadcrumbs and feeding myself with them.