Today, doctor's appointments and embroidering stars, which are SO close to being finished, it might happen tonight. Today got the first large, ornate gold frame to frame Art World Truths... looking forward to assembling & photographing tomorrow, then adding 5 new images to the webpage (dread).
Monday, June 30, 2008
Today, doctor's appointments and embroidering stars, which are SO close to being finished, it might happen tonight. Today got the first large, ornate gold frame to frame Art World Truths... looking forward to assembling & photographing tomorrow, then adding 5 new images to the webpage (dread).
Friday, June 27, 2008
Completed the "thank you tie" for a certain gentleman who has provided me with some tremendous career opportunities as of late.

Thursday, June 26, 2008
Been working on a bunch of things... will post some pics tomorrow.
Last month, I wrote about a serendipitous day when I got a great idea for a political piece (unusual for me), then got a call for proposals for a political show the very same day. I have been working on the piece for the past week, and stayed up late Tuesday to get as much embroidery done as possible for the in-progress shot, and put the proposal together, emailing it off in the wee hours of the morning to make the deadline. That night, it occurred to me more than once that I should just let it drop, go to bed and forget about trying to make the deadline. Today I found out that my proposal was accepted. The show is not till the Fall, but I will probably work on it for the next few weeks 'till it is finished, interspersing it with other projects, because thick embroidery on canvas wrecks your hands if you do it too many days in a row.
My sister recently gave birth to preemie twin boys (Will & Quinn), and they come home from NICU in 3-4 weeks, so I will need some embroidery to take with me on the road trip to PA, where I will going to help her for a few days.
Labels: artist market alternatives, Damien Hirst
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Labels: Blessed Art Thou
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Monday, June 23, 2008
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Labels: Blessed Art Thou
Friday, June 20, 2008
Labels: Orphaned Works Legislation
Thursday, June 19, 2008
To The Editor:
While it was exciting to see your interview with Marlene Dumas, it was maddening to see so much space devoted to questioning her “validity” in the art world, and discussing the negative effect of Ms. Dumas’ art career on her child. Imagine a similar interview with Damien Hirst or Jeff Koons. It is precisely these kinds of subtle reinforcements that keep the “top selling female artists” lagging so far behind the top selling males.
Kate Kretz
GGRRRRR! A few weeks ago I made a comment about how interviews with male artists differ from those of female artists. To help prove my point, last Sunday's NYTimes Magazine featured an interview with Marlene Dumas, one that prompted me to send a letter to the editor last night. To her credit, author Deborah Solomon seemed to focus on pointing out that there might be some sexual bias in the art world:
"It has been eighteen years since Dumas made her American debut at the Tilton Gallery in New York, and the critical response to her work has been divided, more or less, among those who admire her earnest theatricality and those who deplore her theatrical earnestness. An art-world blog, Anaba, has taken to listing the names of Dumas’s supporters and detractors as if they were superdelegates charged with putting an artist into office. Are you pro-Dumas or anti-Dumas? 'All of the anti-Dumasers are men,' the blog noted in 2005, in a reference to a group of influential critics that includes Jerry Saltz, the art critic for New York magazine, who has described Dumas’s work as “flat-footed.” Peter Schjeldahl, the art critic at The New Yorker, says without remorse: 'She is a good second-rate artist. I just don’t think it has much that other people don’t have. There is a certain glamour of sexual perversity, but it seems a little thin to me.'
It may be late in the game to accuse male critics of sexism, a charge that smacks of ’70s-style boosterism while failing to acknowledge that women can be as sexist as men. Nonetheless, the charge persists, particularly among Dumas’s supporters. 'People either love Marlene’s work or hate Marlene’s work, and I think it’s a sign of a sexist conspiracy,' says Nicole Eisenman, a figurative artist who is now 43 and based in Brooklyn. 'There is an aspect of her work that is women’s work. It’s a mother painting her child, which makes it easy to dismiss.' She went on to say that Dumas’s work can easily hold its own beside the best male painters of her generation. 'I think she is as good a painter as Peter Doig' — a reference to the Scottish-born painter who receives nonstop raves for his conceptual landscapes — 'and actually, I think she is better than Doig.' "
Ms. Solomon spent many paragraphs talking about Dumas' husband, who is also a painter, even though he has not painted anything in FOUR YEARS. (A John Currin interview MIGHT mention in one sentence that he has a wife who is a practicing professional artist in her own right.)
There are also several paragraphs devoted to Ms. Dumas' relationship with her daughter. The author points out that Dumas' daughter is studying child psychology (hint, hint), then proceeds to relate an entire conversation (about shopping!) between the mother and daughter, only part of which I reprint here:
"Dumas returned to the table, and we resumed our conversation, only to have Helena approach a few minutes later. 'I’m sorry,' she told her mother. 'I don’t want to interrupt, but we had a date.' She said she wanted to go shopping for a watch for her birthday, which was three weeks away.
'Not now, Helena, not now,' Dumas said with a hint of impatience (mine: um, I am talking to a reporter from the New York Times!), adding that she was in her studio until 3 the previous night and wasn’t feeling up to a shopping expedition. Then she turned to me and said: 'Every time she has a birthday — she still has that from childhood — she gets so into the birthday it overrides everything else. Whatever it is, if it’s a cat, if it’s a watch — can we please not think of that now?'
'I just like the window-shopping,' Helena said, and there was something touching about her persistence. The watch seemed as good a symbol as any for the predicament of a child who wanted more of her mother’s time."
Do we even know if Jeff Koons HAS any children, not to mention what they think of him and whether he gives them enough of his time?!For all of the author's efforts to discuss Dumas' struggles, I would argue that it is the subtlety of what is emphasized in these interviews that keeps women artists where they are. Work to do. Happy Thursday.
Labels: Female Artist Interviews, gender bias in the art world
Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Monday, June 16, 2008
A really long page of Peter Greenaway quotes. (Bookmarked for an insomnia night)
Sunday, June 15, 2008
"What should be made of the conservatism of artists such as Walton Ford and Neo Rauch, who are subjects of shows of new work in Chelsea right now?
The art world that prizes these men’s work is a self-consciously cutting edge milieu that is far removed from political conservatism, and yet these artists’ success is thanks in no small measure to bravura displays of skill in traditional idioms, to a fond nostalgia for past worlds that produced such styles and the competence to execute them. "
Friday, June 13, 2008
But the big news today is that I am finally allowed to announce that I have been awarded a NC Artist's Fellowship! $10,000 to increase my production in the studio, which means hiring an assistant, among other things. I am thrilled beyond belief.
I am so happy with the slideshow walk-through thing that I put up the Frost Museum Show on Flickr as well. Looking forward to getting back to making some art this weekend.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
"The only artists whose ranks declined since 1990 were, as a group, fine artists, art directors and animators, to 216,000 from 278,000."
and, "If every artist in America’s work force banded together, their ranks would be double the size of the United States Army. More Americans identify their primary occupation as artist than as lawyer, doctor, police officer or farm worker."
And, never a surprise:
"Overall, the median income that artists reported in 2005 was $34,800 — $42,000 for men and $27,300 for women."
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Finished! Go to Kate Kretz Open Studio at Flickr to take the tour. In the upper right hand corner of your screen, you can click on "Slideshow". Once the slideshow opens, you can adjust the speed. If you would like descriptions of the images, go to "options" (lower right corner of the slideshow screen) once the slideshow opens and click the box for descriptions.
Labels: Kate Kretz Open Studio Link, studio tour

Labels: destroyed art
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Monday, June 09, 2008
Always true to form, I slept 3-4 hours the night before the open studio, and 4 hours the night before that. Some of the projects still did not get completed, but I was fairly happy with how things turned out. When the last people left, we made a big plate of food, did minimal food storage, then took a three hour nap (Kevin had slept only a few hours more than me). I will be photographing today, and posting pics tomorrow or the next day on Flicker. It is tempting to finish one or two of the projects before the virtual tour. I am feeling the potential of a migraine, so I have to act fast.
Mostly it was a great art party for the friends that I have already made here (most of whom had never seen my studio), though a few brave souls drove to Burlington to walk into the home of someone they had never met before, and that was a treat. I had gone out on a limb and basically invited all the art faculty from the regional universities and many of the people I know from my SE Fiber Arts Educators group.
Being a part of the Miami art community for 10 years, then moving to rural NC has been a difficult transition for me: I usually had a big party at the end of every semester, and my house would be packed, sometimes overflowing outside, with art grad students, a few undergrads, art & creative writing faculty and Miami artists... it would go till I kicked people out at 3 or 4. Less frequently, I would have open studios, and it would be a more professional enterprise, with art displayed everywhere and a table with resumes, reviews, catalogs, business cards, and a sign-in book to add to my mailing list. In Miami, the people I knew brought collectors and other artists, I always met lots of new people, sometimes sold work, and usually got a show in a university gallery or some other opportunity out of it. I know it can take a long time to establish yourself in a new art community, and I decided to be proactive.
I did the Open Studio thing here yesterday, and it felt absurd and weird, as if "one just doesn't do that" in these parts. I know that my invitations got a lot of people from the universities to visit my website and see my work, which was part of the goal. A few people emailed me and said they wanted to come but couldn't make it (some had seen the MAD museum show in NY), can we meet for coffee, etc., so I will be making some new contacts as a result of the invitations. But I am feeling like a fish out of water today. One of my guests, who was born and raised here, but spent 20 years living in CA, said "People from these parts keep you at arm's length until they know what to do with you, where in CA, they accept you until they decide what to do with you". I am off to continue the clean up and photograph...
Saturday, June 07, 2008
Friday, June 06, 2008
Thursday, June 05, 2008

Tonight will be a late night painting a (lame... using stencils, with possible augmentation) floorcloth to cover the spot on the kitchen floor where we have torn out a wall, and there is a hole in the linoleum.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008
The Hyperbolic Crochet Great Barrier Reef.
Both courtesy of Guardian Arts.
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
Working hard, but having lots of fun getting ready for the Open Studio, which will be held this Sunday. Today, finished painting a corner of the kitchen, went to the last thrift store I could think of & finally found the mirror I was looking for (I am about to go up to the studio to cover it with blue glitter) and deconstructed/supplemented a vintage 50s necklace to make tiebacks for my new dining room curtains (heavy cotton velvet by Target on Ebay, $12 for both). I will take lots of pics and post them to Flicker for a virtual Studio Tour that can remain a permanent link on my blog/website. Off to glitter bliss....................
Monday, June 02, 2008
Um, men have that freedom because they never have to worry about their work "being taken seriously"?